April showers bring may flowers. The theme for our Thursday 1 April live show is 'For You'. The show will be hosted by Gina. This show is the postponed December 2020 show.
This was FOR YOU - a package, a present, a punch in the gut.
This was for you - a gift that brought pleasure, hesitation or joy.
For you - a word, a gesture - was it dismissal or love?
April's live show is being pulled together by the expert hands of Gina.
Come and find out what our storytellers have put together FOR YOU!
Time: 8 -10 pm
Date: 1 April, Thursday
Place: Fringe Club
Ticketing: https://www.ticketflap.com/hkstories202104?fbclid=IwAR0K4sBp2FT2boTHoZCZUhd38zKF5-ZAdDBraj9LZES1UrnO7LhMrPcfTxw